Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I CANNOT believe I forgot to blog about this one specific event that happened this summer. Here's the background.

I pretty much love Bakerella. When I went to Cupcake Camp I met her.

It was definitely a happy moment in my {very} amateur baking career!!

Over the year and a few months that I've known about cakepops...I've made quite a few of them that you can see here. I also have NO doubt there are many more to come!!

After I made my 4th of July cakepop stand I decided to send a little email out to the one and only Bakerella...see, she has this spot on her website called pop starts. It is a goal/dream/no longer a secret of mine to be a pop start someday :) I knew this cakepop stand wouldn't get me on pop starts - but I wanted to share it.

Flash forward a few weeks...I'm sitting at my cousin's house in Phoenix, AZ. It's like midnight and we are headed for bed. I check my email one last time and I see this...

I wanted to FREAK OUT...and on the inside I kind of was!!!!!!!

I, of course, had to go check the Internet to make sure it was real....


I am a dork.

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